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Friday 21 September 2012

Jonathan stops N5000

Posted by:  Posted date: September 21, 2012 In: FeaturedNews 

Jonathan stops N5000
The N5,000 banknote battle is over – for now- with opponents of the plan carrying the day.
President Goodluck Jonathan yesterday bowed to pressure and suspended the proposed introduction of the N5000 banknote.
He advised Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) Governor Sanusi Lamido Sanusi to step down the idea to allow for adequate consultation with the people.
The National Economic Management Team and a few other bodies and individuals, especially in government, supported the move.
But many Nigerians, including the National Assembly, opposed the idea, saying it will breed corruption and boost inflation – the very ills the CBN said it would tackle.
The Senate and the House of Representatives on Tuesday kicked against the idea. President Jonathan later met with Senate President David Mark and House Speaker Aminu Tambuwal, who both stood by the decision, insisting that they were merely ventilating the feelings of the majority of Nigerians..
“We are stepping it down for now,” presidential spokesman Reuben Abati said last night.
Abati added: “The introduction is being suspended for now to enable the CBN do more enlightenment on the issue. President Jonathan has directed that the implementation of the N5,000 note be suspended for now. This is to enable apex bank to do more in terms of enabling Nigerians understand why it proposed it in the first place. So, for now, the full implementation is on hold.”
The CBN, in a statement last night, announced its compliance with the presidential directive.
The statement by its Director of Corporate Communications Ugo Okoroafor, said: “For the purposes of more efficient payments and currency management systems, the CBN proposed and obtained the approval of the President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, Dr. Goodluck Ebele Jonathan, GCFR, to embark on the currency restructuring exercise, codenamed “Project CURE’ on December 19, 2011.
“The CBN hereby informs the general public that the President, on Thursday, September 20, 2012, directed that further action on the approved restructuring exercise be stopped.
“In full compliance with the provisions of the law, the CBN hereby announces that further action on the said restructuring exercise has been stopped, until such a time Mr. President may direct otherwise.
“It is important to stress that till date, no contract whatsoever, has been awarded by the CBN in connection with the printing and minting of the new currency notes and coins. Consequently, no currency note or coin has been printed or minted under the proposed exercise.
“In line with its mandate, the CBN remains committed to the pursuit of policies and programmes aimed at promoting the growth and development of the Nigerian economy.”
But, the controversy is getting bigger by the day.
Lawyers joined the fray yesterday, urging President Goodluck Jonathan to sack Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) Governor Sanusi Lamido Sanusi.
The Nigeria Bar Association (NBA) also unveiled plan to convoke a Peace and Security summit to address the insecurity in the country.
NBA said it was embarrassed that the apex bank had not offered any “sensible” answer to the fears raised by Nigerians over the plan to introduce the N5,000 note.
Speaking in Abuja at the summit on the future of the NBA, with the theme “The Nigerian Bar Association: The Past, Present and the Future”, Its President, Okey Wali (SAN), expressed surprise that Sanusi could “insult” former President Olusegun Obasanjo for holding a contrary view.
The association urged him to initiate the process that will lead to Sanusi’s removal.
He said: “It may well be that the CBN has a case, but the problem is that they are not giving any sensible answer to the fears expressed by Nigerians, aside from such pedestrian reason as, it will make Nigerians to hold naira instead of dollar.
“ We are supposed to be in a democracy and since Nigerians have rejected the policy, even their elected representatives in the House of Representatives and the Senate on Tuesday 18th of September, 2012 condemned the plan.
“Rather than listen to Nigerians, the CBN is engrossed in distribution of insults and name calling to anybody who dared express a contrary view. To my utter consternation, I watched on National Television as an elder statesman and former President of this country was being called names and ridiculed for daring to hold a contrary view. That is a big shame.
“Since all indices show that Nigerians do not want the N5,000 note, even if the leadership of the CBN is right, we believe that they are bound by the wishes of the people or they should take the honorable path of resignation, rather than exhibiting such unbridled high level of arrogance and rudeness.”
Wali went on: “For all the faults that may be identifiable in President Goodluck Jonathan, arrogance cannot be said to be one of his attributes. The NBA is therefore amazed that this high level of megalomania is going on under his watch. We will, therefore, call on the President to please do the needful, initiate the process of the removal from office of the leadership of the CBN.”
The NBA said it would not hesitate to challenge in court the implementation of the policy, if the government went ahead with it.
On the raging debate over the onshore/offshore dichotomy by the Northern governors, the NBA agreed with the Attorney General of the Federation and Minister of Justice, Mohammed Adoke (SAN), that the matter had been settled by the Supreme Court.
“We condemn the attempt by some politicians and their sympathisers to deliberately overheat the polity by resurrecting the matter. We recognize that it’s nothing but an attempt at distracting Nigerians from insisting that they deliver on their campaign promises. They have been elected to deliver on the promises they made to the electorate and we think they should concentrate on that and desist from any calculated attempt to distract and deceive the people,” Wali said.
On the essence of the summit, Wali said the Bar was reviewing rules of professional conduct and the Legal Practitioners Act, to regulate solicitors.
The summit would also draw up a comprehensive five-year strategic plan for the NBA.
Wali said the association was working on the establishment of co-operative societies and micro finance bank as well as to develop insurance and welfare scheme for lawyers.
The Bar also expressed worry on the declining quality of lawyers, stressing the need to participate in designing courses, curricula and syllabi of legal education.
The NBA has realised that to enhance its value to its membership, and to be able to positively affect professional standards, it must make significant input into the training of its members, Wali said.

SOURCE: 21 September 2012.
The Nation

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